Sunday, December 16, 2007

Anatomy of pain

I am back on track,reading again!I guess my blogs are going to become darker like my moods..
When people speak of pain,I don't think they realize what they are speaking about. I am used to enquiring about pain everyday during ward rounds,but I did not know how painful pain can be..
Some common examples of pain are:
  • Body pain-You get this when you do something you are not accustomed to like carry a 50 kg gunny bag up the stairs and end up with a whining back.
  • Pain of love-It appears when you are in love irrespective of whether or not the other person is involved.
  • 'You are such a pain'-You get this when the other person is irritated by you.
  • Painful achievement-This can be achieved by running behind a girl and getting slapped at first,but getting her phone number later on.
  • Pain of labour-How can I ignore this!I suppose I will never get to know this but according to all my girlfriends,this is the pain that beats them all!
  • Pleasant pain-The pain after...
  • No pain,no gain-This is a sort of barter system where you trade pain with a lot of goodies!
  • First pain,then nothing-This pain is used by anaesthetists as a sort of incentive before putting the patients to sleep.
  • U r ok?No pain,no?-This is used by doctors to reassure themselves that they are doing a great job of saving mankind!
There are different methods of treating different pains.Obviously,they are trade secrets and I would be breaching my oath if I revealed everything.
Okay,plot drift--A patient recently came in for a vasectomy.We were happy that he chose to undergo surgery instead of his wife(She had heart disease).Pills and other methods are riskier and effectivel only for the short term.
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