I suppose everybody has a pattern for their everyday life.Here is how mine runs.I do not know whether this is typical.Everyone has their little quirks.
When I reach the hospital,I slip into my white coat.Normally,us surgeon bros do not like wearing them,but it has become mandatory-I suppose we too should look like doctors!
My boss during post graduation never liked jeans.He always said that since jeans were not meant to be washed,they carried a lot of germs.Another chap advised against full sleeves-carriers of bacteria.So,all the various advices were distilled into a set of some sort of formal dress code.
The best dressers are the interns-they do not have exams and they do not have to act prim and proper.
Once,I was wearing faded jeans.My boss saw this and sarcastically said,"I say,what is he wearing?What I say,you play the guitar or something?"I did play the guitar but I don't think he meant it in a complementary way.
A lady intern in my unit was wearing a dress which was sort of darkly shaded at the back.The bosses made her turn around and asked her whether the dress was wet.I don't think she minded but we had a good laugh.
Wearing a tie is a no-no.The tie hangs down into the wounds that we have to clean and it is not suited for our weather anyway.
Coming back to my routine-I enter the ward-everybody greets me -I greet them back.I start talking to the patients,enquire how they are,poke into their tummies etc,change their medications or prescribe medicines.Then,I go to the operation theatre if we have a list or the outpatient department if our unit is on-call.
In the OPD,we see patients,treat them or admit them for treatment and if there is an emergency case,we operate as soon as possible.I will write about my theatre antics in another blog.